Mirror Status

This page reports the status of all known, public, and active ArchLinux32 mirrors. All data on this page reflects the status of the mirrors within the last 86400 seconds. All listed times are UTC. The check script runs on a regular basis and polls for the lastsync file in the root of our repository layout. This file is regularly updated on the central repository, so checking the value within allows one to see if the mirror has synced recently. This page contains several pieces of information about each mirror.

The last mirror check ran at 2024-07-27T03:13:20.000Z UTC. Checks have ran 49 times in the last 86400 seconds at an average interval of 1763.2653061224 seconds.

This data is also available in JSON or TSV format. The units of all time/duration values are in seconds; date/time values are UTC.

Successfully Syncing Mirrors

Mirror URL Protocol Country Completion Delay Last Sync
https://de.mirror.archlinux32.org/ https Germany 1 0.011700680272109 2024-07-27T02:30:24Z
http://mirror.archlinux32.org/ http Germany 1 0.011700680272109 2024-07-27T02:30:24Z
http://de.mirror.archlinux32.org/ http Germany 1 0.011700680272109 2024-07-27T02:30:24Z
https://mirror.archlinux32.org/ https Germany 1 0.011700680272109 2024-07-27T02:30:24Z
http://archlinux32.agoctrl.org/ http France 1 0.66818594104308 2024-07-27T01:34:35Z
http://mirror.datacenter.by/pub/archlinux32/ http Belarus 1 1.6450396825397 2024-07-26T20:43:20Z
https://archlinux32.agoctrl.org/ https France 1 0.66818594104308 2024-07-27T01:34:35Z
http://mirror.juniorjpdj.pl/archlinux32/ http Poland 1 0.022046485260771 2024-07-27T02:29:10Z
https://mirror.datacenter.by/pub/archlinux32/ https Belarus 1 1.6450396825397 2024-07-26T20:43:20Z
https://mirror.juniorjpdj.pl/archlinux32/ https Poland 1 0.022046485260771 2024-07-27T02:29:10Z
http://arch86.takehiko.pl/ http Poland 1 2.9639115646259 2024-07-27T01:52:22Z
http://gr.mirror.archlinux32.org/ http Greece 1 0.50208616780045 2024-07-27T02:20:19Z
https://arch86.takehiko.pl/ https Poland 1 2.9639115646259 2024-07-27T01:52:22Z
https://mirror.qctronics.com/arch32/ https Canada 1 0.5100283446712 2024-07-27T02:01:06Z
http://mirror.yandex.ru/archlinux32/ http Russia 1 0.66981859410431 2024-07-27T01:33:34Z
https://mirror.yandex.ru/archlinux32/ https Russia 1 0.68770408163265 2024-07-27T02:30:24Z
http://archlinux32.andreasbaumann.cc/ http Switzerland 1 0.060459183673469 2024-07-27T02:29:10Z
https://archlinux32.andreasbaumann.cc/ https Switzerland 1 0.060459183673469 2024-07-27T02:29:10Z
http://mirror.math.princeton.edu/pub/archlinux32/ http United States 1 0.64739229024943 2024-07-27T02:06:07Z
http://mirror.clarkson.edu/archlinux32/ http United States 1 3.0667630385488 2024-07-27T01:55:04Z
https://mirror.math.princeton.edu/pub/archlinux32/ https United States 1 0.64739229024943 2024-07-27T02:06:07Z
https://mirror.clarkson.edu/archlinux32/ https United States 1 3.0667630385488 2024-07-27T01:55:04Z
https://32.arlm.tyzoid.com/ https United States 1 19523.771422902 2024-07-27T02:29:10Z
http://mirror.archlinux32.oss/ http Germany 1 -0.025045351473923 2024-07-27T02:32:42Z