A simple, lightweight distribution for 32-bit CPUs

You've reached the website for Arch Linux 32, the community maintained continuation of 32-bit support for Arch Linux, a lightweight and flexible Linux® distribution that tries to Keep It Simple.

Currently we have official packages optimized for the i686 and pentium4 architectures. Also most(ly) non-graphical packages are available for i486, too. Have a look at the required cpu flags to decide which architecture is the right one for you. Most packages from Arch Linux's community-operated package repository are also compatible with Arch Linux 32.

Installation media which boot on i686 can be found here.

Join us on #archlinux32 IRC channel on Libera, check out our forums or subscribe to the mailing list to get your feet wet. Also glance through the Arch Wiki if you want to learn more about upstream Arch.

Latest News

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Cleaning up old repositories


Around two years ago, we've merged the [community] repository into [extra] as part of the git migration. In order to not break user setups, we kept these repositories around in an unused and empty state. We're going to clean up these old repositories on 2025-03-01.

On systems where /etc/pacman.conf still references the old [community] repository, pacman -Sy will return an error on trying to sync repository metadata.

The following deprecated repositories will be removed: [community], [community-testing], [testing], [testing-debug], [staging], [staging-debug].

Please make sure to remove all use of the aforementioned repositories from your /etc/pacman.conf (for which a .pacnew was shipped with pacman>=6.0.2-7)!

Glibc 2.41 corrupting Discord installation


We plan to move glibc and its friends to stable later today, Feb 3. After installing the update, the Discord client will show a red warning that the installation is corrupt.

This issue has been fixed in the Discord canary build. If you rely on audio connectivity, please use the canary build, login via browser or the flatpak version until the fix hits the stable Discord release.

There have been no reports that (written) chat connectivity is affected.

UPDATE: The issue has been fixed in Discord 0.0.84-1.

Critical rsync security release 3.4.0


We'd like to raise awareness about the rsync security release version 3.4.0-1 as described in our advisory ASA-202501-1.

An attacker only requires anonymous read access to a vulnerable rsync server, such as a public mirror, to execute arbitrary code on the machine the server is running on. Additionally, attackers can take control of an affected server and read/write arbitrary files of any connected client. Sensitive data can be extracted, such as OpenPGP and SSH keys, and malicious code can be executed by overwriting files such as ~/.bashrc or ~/.popt.

We highly advise anyone who runs an rsync daemon or client prior to version 3.4.0-1 to upgrade and reboot their systems immediately. As Arch Linux mirrors are mostly synchronized using rsync, we highly advise any mirror administrator to act immediately, even though the hosted package files themselves are cryptographically signed.

All infrastructure servers and mirrors maintained by Arch Linux have already been updated.

pacman -Suy results in "invalid or corrupted package"


Follow the procedure described in FS32#365 .

Older News

Providing a license for package sources
Manual intervention for pacman 7.0.0 and local repositories required
The sshd service needs to be restarted after upgrading to openssh-9.8p1
Arch Linux 2024 Leader Election Results
Increasing the default vm.max_map_count value
xz backdoor in Archlinux32
The xz package has been backdoored
mkinitcpio hook migration and early microcode
Shim packages required for 'icu'
New package signing keys
Git Migration
upstream git migration
In case of key problems
Dropping Haskell
OpenSSL 3.0.7
systemd 251.2 breaks logins
CA certificates file is empty
ISO 2022.02.01 available
nss 3.73 crashes firefox
Warning about upgrading to zstd 1.5.1
error while loading shared libraries: libicui18n.so.68

Recent Updates (more)

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ruby-chef-utils 19.0.60-1.0 pentium4
ruby-tins 1.37.1-1.0 pentium4
ruby-benchmark-ips 2.14.0-1.0 pentium4
ruby-unicode-version 1.4.0-1.0 pentium4
ruby-unicode-emoji 4.0.4-1.0 pentium4
ruby-unicode-display_width 3.1.2-1.0 pentium4
libretro-beetle-pce 1243-1.0 pentium4
ruby-chef-utils 19.0.60-1.0 i686
ruby-tins 1.37.1-1.0 i686
ruby-benchmark-ips 2.14.0-1.0 i686
ruby-unicode-version 1.4.0-1.0 i686
ruby-unicode-emoji 4.0.4-1.0 i686
ruby-unicode-display_width 3.1.2-1.0 i686
libngtcp2 1.10.0-1.0 i686
kexec-tools 2.0.30-1.0 i686